Somali Malawah

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 2-3 minutes each, about 35 minutes in total
Total time: about 40 minutes
Servings: about 12
Cuisine: Somali
Recipe Info

Malawah is a plate sized sweet pancake, similar to a crepe, that is perfect for breakfast, or as snack anytime during the day. While there are slight variations in how Somalis make this pancake, this particular recipe with its fragrant touch of cardamom is how I like my malawah.

1 eggs
¼ cup sugar
¼ t salt
1 tsp cardamom powder
1½ cups of self-rising flour
1½ cups of milk
Oil or melted butter for cooking (subag or ghee gives this malawah wonderful flavor)

Whisk or blend the eggs, sugar, milk, salt and cardamom powder until frothy. Add the flour slowly and mix until you get a smooth batter. Place a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Pour about quarter a cup of the batter at the centre of the pan. Use a spoon to quickly spread the batter around the pan in a circular motion. Drizzle a little bit of oil, or melted butter, on top of the pancake, and once the bottom is golden brown flip and cook on the other side. Remove from the pan and place on a plate, cover with a dish towel to keep it soft and moist. Keep cooking the rest of the batter until finished. Enjoy with a drizzle of honey or your favorite toppings!

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