Ground Beef and Rice

Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30-40 minutes
Total time: about an hour
Servings: 6-8
Cuisine: European, Family recipe
Recipe Info

Kind of a nice, simple, filling meal, reminiscent of fried rice, but not quite. It’s pretty good and a favorite at our house!

4 cups cooked rice (2 cups rice, 4 cups water)
300g ground beef, or ground beef/pork mix
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 onions, diced
2 bell peppers diced
3-4 medium mushrooms, diced
1 leek, cut in thin rounds
1 t parsley
1 t oregano
1 t garlic powder
Free free to add other seasonings you like to taste
A few healthy dashes of soy sauce
oil or butter for frying, I use a combination of both
¼ cup butter for the rice
Salt and Pepper to taste

Method: This recipe cooks up pretty quickly, I can usually make it in about 30 minutes. Precut your veggies to save some time!! Now I do my rice in the microwave and season it, this adds a nice flavor to the finished dish. To do this, add a few tablespoons of olive oil to the bottom of a large mixing bowl. Throw in a few shakes of salt, a few shakes of parsley, a few dashes of say sauce and break up a beef bullion cube. Add in the 2 cups of rice, and the 4 cups of water. Mix well with a whisk, and microwave on high for 25 minutes. You can make the rest, while the rice is cooking. In a large frying pan, over high heat, add some liquid butter, and a bit of oil, you want to coat the bottom of the pan well. bring this to a sizzle, and add the minced garlic, cook for 1 minute, Next, add the onion, peppers and mushrooms, and cook for about 5 minute, or until the onion starts to become a bit translucent. Add in the ground meat, and seasonings, mixing to crumble the meat, and brown it well. Next add in the leek, and a bit more liquid butter, stirring well to incorporate. Add a few dashes of soy sauce, and mix well. Cook until the leek has become tender and reduce the heat to low. Your rice should be almost done, or done at this point. When the rice is done, remove it from the microwave, and add the ¼ cup butter, mixing well so it melts into the rice. Turn off the beef mixture and remove from heat. Using a spatula, scrape all of the contents of the frying pan into the large bowl of rice, everything, all of it! Mix the meat mixture with the rice coating and combining thoroughly. Serve warm and enjoy!!

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