Kitchen Staples

I understand everyone is different, and has different ways of doing things; but here is a list of a few things I keep in my kitchen, at all times for cooking, and baking on the regular. We don’t get food out often, so I do most of the cooking at home. Some things are used more often than not. Hope this list is helpful for what to keep on hand when cooking a lot at home! Of course you will keep things rice or pasta on hand, but again, everyone is different, and has different health concerns. So use your best judgement, and go with what works best for you, and your situation.

Name? Stored? Used much? Used for?
flour (self rising and/or all purpose) cabinets 1-2 times a week sauces and roues, baking
granulated sugar cabinets 1-2 times a week anything requiring sugar
light brown sugar cabinets every few weeks, more often if baking mostly baking and cooking, Asian sauces
corn starch cabinets as needed mostly sauces, and some baking
soy sauce cabinetsa few times a week in cooking great flavor enhancer!
worchestershire sauce cabinetsas needed great flavor enhancer!
maple syrupcabinetsusually on the weekends for breakfastcan be used as a sugar substitute
honeycabinetsas needed for cookinggood in sauces, sugar substitute
powdered sugarcabinetsrarelyused in some recipes, and baking
dried herbs and spicescabinetsdailyused for everything!
white vinegarcabinetsas neededdressings and sauces, some cooking
rice vinegarcabinetsas needed, mostly for Asian cookingused mostly for Asian recipes
olive oilcabinetsdailyused mostly as a cooking lubricant
vanilla sugar/flavorcabinetsas needed for baking and cookingadd wonderful flavor to baking
baking soda/powdercabinetsas needed for baking and cookinghelps the balance of baking and breads
mayonnaisefridgesometimesbase for sauces or dips
mustardfridgesometimesbase for sauces or dips
ketchupfridgesometimesbase for sauces or dips
butterfridgeoftenused in cooking and baking
liquid margarinefridgeoftenused in cooking and baking
sambal oelekfridgerarelyspicy, used in Asian & Indian cooking
Kitchen Staples
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