Campfire Waffle Cones

Prep time: a few minutes
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
Total time: 5-10 minutes
Servings: as many as you’d like
Cuisine: Camping
Recipe Info

Melted, oooey gooey, marshmallows and chocolate chips with bananas and strawberries stuffed in a waffle cone… um… er… YUM!

Waffle cones
Chocolate chips

Stuff your waffle cone with marshmallows, chocolate chips, bananas and strawberries. Wrap completely in tin foil, and throw on the fire. Let it rest in the coals for about 5-10 minutes. When you can smell the fragrance of the melting chocolate, carefully remove the cones, from the fire. Let them cool for a few minutes, and remove the foil carefully, while holding the cone upright!! Grab a spoon, and dig in!

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