All Natural Bathroom Cleaner

Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes
Yield: 1 bottle of bathroom cleaner
Recipe Info

I love making my own cleaners because I know what is in the product and therefore know what I am exposing my family and pets to. Better than that, it is fun to mix and brew. I am no witch, but I do like to mix up biodegradable potions and recycle plastic (in this case a plastic spray bottle; glass is always better). I do my part to reduce my own carbon footprint and I recommend you do the same. This all natural, all purpose bathroom cleaner recipe is so quick and easy to make. To make this cleaner is as simple as a trip to your pantry and mixing together 4 ingredients with water in a spray bottle. Just like that, you have a great cleaner that is environment friendly and safe for your kids and pets to be around.

1 spray bottle

1 cup water 236 ml / 8 oz
2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda a.k.a. baking soda
½ cup white vinegar 118 ml / 4 oz
the juice of ½ a lemon, or orange or 10 drops of tea tree oil with the juice of ½ a lemon

In your spray bottle (or a large jug), combine your water and vinegar. I like to mix my cleaner in a bigger jug to prevent any mess and then pour the finished product into my spray bottle.
Very, very slowly, add your bicarbonate of soda – it is very important not to dump all the bicarbonate of soda in at once, if you do you will get the volcano effect, think dropping a mint in a Coke bottle. This is where mixing in a jug comes in handy: you need to very slowly add the bicarbonate of soda letting the foaming action dissipate as you go, a bigger surface or size of the nozzle to jug will reduce the mess.
Add the juice of ½ a lemon or orange. The juice of half a lemon will make the room smell clean and fresh, and will aid in the process of cleaning.
Add essential oil (I recommend adding tea tree oil).
Close the bottle and shake well (the ingredients may separate with time, just shake it before each use) Now you are ready to get cleaning!

Lemon juice (or any citrus juice) will leave a fresh fragrance in your bathroom, if you use a large orange or grapefruit only use ¼
White vinegar is a key ingredient, you cannot substitute dark vinegar for white, or you could cause stains

What You Will Need:
To make this bathroom cleaner, you will need water and a spray bottle. You will also need:
– Bicarbonate of soda: Bicarbonate of soda is an important component in making any cleaning product because it reacts to acids in the air that cause bad odors, neutralizing bad odors and bringing a neutral scent in a room. The mildly alkali nature of bicarbonate of soda dissolves dirt and grease easily when combined in water.
– Vinegar: Vinegar contains acetic acid, a powerful organic compound, that is a powerful cleaner that dissolves hard mineral deposits from water, built up soap, scum, grease, grime, and dirt. While it is not a 100% proven disinfectant, acetic acid is strong enough to kill bacteria, leaving surfaces safer for your family. It is a safe, nontoxic cleaner.
– Lemon or Citrus Juice: Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, do not use it on colorful fabric. It is acidic in nature making it a highly effective cleaning agent to clean grease and grime on stoves, countertops, glass, and in ovens. All citrus contains limonene, a key ingredient used in most household cleaners. Limonene cuts through dirt ,and leaves your home smelling great. Lemons and oranges are the most popular choices of citrus. Their acid is an effective antibacterial and antiseptic agent. The high pH property inhibits the growth of bacteria. This means that it keeps cleaning after you have finished cleaning. Bacteria caught up in cut grooves on a cutting board are easily killed off. The antibacterial effects of freshly squeezed lemon juice will last 2 to 3 days. However, combined in a solution of water, bicarbonate of soda, and vinegar, its antibacterial properties can last up to 12 months.
– Essential Oils: The use of essential oils is completely optional. Different essential oils have different properties. They can do just about anything from smell nice to kill bacteria and fungal spores. If you want to add essential oil, you could use citrus oils – these will have the same antibacterial properties as the fruit juice, only more concentrated. If you wish to use a different scent, that is fine. I always add tea tree oil in every conceivable home remedy or ‘brew’, regardless of whether I add citrus or not. Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. You do not have to add much, just 10 drops per 250ml of cleaning solution will do. I highly recommend adding tea tree oil because of its super cleaning power.

Q: When I added the bicarbonate of soda it blew like a volcano, did I do something wrong?
A: You added the bicarbonate of soda too quickly; slow down! You can even add the bicarbonate of soda slowly in a jug and then pour the mixture into your spray bottle.

Q: What should you not use a vinegar solution on?
A: Because of its acidity, you should not use a vinegar solution on mirrors, stone or granite counters, wood or stone flooring, steam irons, dishwashers, washing machines, knives, and electronic screens.

Q: Can I add castille soap to my bathroom cleaner?
A: NO! Vinegar reacts to castille soap by first turning the liquid white or cloudy, and then develops lumps and thickens the mixture.

Q: Do I need to rinse after washing with homemade bathroom cleaner?
A: It is not really necessary to rinse. Rinsing will significantly weaken the antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties of your cleaner.

Q: Do I need to rinse the floor tiles after mopping?
A: This bathroom cleaner will not leave any surface sticky. Just let it air dry after washing.

Q: Will the surfaces I wash with this bathroom cleaner be sticky?
A: The beauty of this product is that it is all natural. Cleaners that you purchase in stores are packed with artificial or chemical ingredients. That is what makes them sticky. Once you are done cleaning, just leave all surfaces to air dry.

Q: Can I substitute bicarbonate of soda with baking soda?
A: Yes, you can. The two products are actually the same, they are just named differently. BUT make sure you are getting baking SODA not baking POWDER!

It is so easy to make, and it is well suited to clean tiles, walls, tubs, basins, taps, and more. Just spray and wipe. The whole process took me just 2 ½ minutes to make. Your bathroom will be clean and smell great! Go forth, and bring out your own cleaning fun!

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