Old Fashioned Cough Syrup With Natural Ingredients

Prep time: 15 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Yield: one 8oz jar
Recipe Info

Homemade old fashioned cough syrup recipe like Grandma used to make with only a few simple ingredients. This cold remedy is a great way to soothe your cold symptoms naturally with raw honey, lemon, ginger and garlic. There’s nothing that interrupts your sleep quite as much as a persistent cough when you’re really needing a good rest. We usually get hit pretty hard in our house when cold and flu season come around. With 7 kids, it’s just bound to happen. I have found that taking steps to build up our immune systems as soon as we come into the Winter months has really helped our family to not get hit as badly. A spoonful of a good old fashioned natural remedy every morning is the best way for us to avoid an all out epidemic in our house. You can make your own DIY cough syrup using foods you probably already have in your pantry. You only need 4 simple ingredients to make your own cough remedy: honey, fresh ginger, garlic and lemon. Chances are, you already have all of those things on hand! Honey, garlic, ginger and fresh lemon juice are all powerful ingredients to clear mucus, soothe a sore throat and shorten the length of your cold symptoms. When you find out about the amount of sugar and other junk that store-bought cough medicines are made of, you’ll really feel the push to make the switch to using natural remedies! Good old fashioned natural ways really are the best.

What ingredients you need to make an Old Fashioned Cough Syrup:
Honey – buckwheat honey or manuka honey are the best types of honey to use for health purposes because they are higher in antioxidants than other kinds. But any honey will work in this natural cough syrup.
Ginger – a large chunk of fresh ginger root.
Garlic – you need one head of organic whole garlic cloves for this recipe.
Lemon – one large whole lemon, or two small ones. You’ll need to use the lemon zest and lemon juice.
Small glass jar with a lid – this recipe fits in an 8 ounce jar. You can use plastic if that’s all you have, but the flavor is better in a glass container.

1 head of garlic
2 inch piece of ginger
1 large or 2 small lemons
3/4 cups manuka, buckwheat or raw honey

Remove the papery skins from each clove of garlic and finely chop. Peel and mince the ginger root. Zest the lemon, then juice it.
Add the chopped garlic, minced ginger, lemon zest and juice in a jar. Fill the rest of the way with honey.
This mixture gets better and stronger the longer it sits. If you’re needing it right away, let it sit for at least an hour to give the honey a chance to absorb the flavors of the other ingredients.

to store – This cough syrup recipe is most effective when it’s had a chance to sit for a few days before using. It will last 3 months stored in the fridge.

To use – You can use this cough syrup several ways. Either take one tablespoon every couple of hours throughout the day while cough symptoms last. Or you can add a tablespoon or two to a glass of warm or hot water to drink.

Variations – This mixture can be blended before refrigerating if you’d rather have it smooth than chunky.

Substitutions – Manuka or buckwheat honey are recommended for homemade cough syrups, but raw honey will work in a pinch.

Tips for success
To Use – You can use this cough syrup several ways. Either take one tablespoon every couple of hours throughout the day while cough symptoms last. Or you can add a tablespoon or two to a glass of warm or hot water to drink.

Store – This cough syrup recipe is most effective when it’s had a chance to sit for a few days before using. It will last 3 months stored in the fridge.

NOTE – I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. Seek medical attention if your symptoms are severe or worsen. This cough syrup recipe is meant for older children and adults. Young children should not consume honey until they are 12 months old.

FAQ about This Old Fashioned cough syrup:
Q; How long will homemade cough syrup last?
A: Homemade cough syrup will last up to 3 months stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Q: Is ginger good to help with coughing?
A: Fresh ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, making it very helpful in fighting infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can help soothe a sore throat by reducing inflammation and itching.

Q: Is lemon good for a cough and cold?
A: Because fresh lemons are loaded with vitamin C they help to boost the immune system and strengthen the body’s ability to fight off infection. Lemons are also very effective at breaking up mucus build up, providing relief for a sore throat.

Q: Does garlic help with a cough?
A: Garlic is said to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. When it is taken regularly, fresh garlic has been known to actually lower the risk of coming down with viral sicknesses in the first place. Taking garlic when a person is already sick, it can reduce the length of that sickness!

Q: Is honey an effective cough remedy?
A: Studies done by the mayo clinic have shown that honey is as affective as dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in over the conventional cough syrups). Honey coats the throat and soothes the mucus membranes, making a person cough less.

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