Lemon Vinegar All-Purpose Cleaner

Prep time: 5 minutes
Steeping time: 4 weeks
Total time: about a month
Yield: one bottle of cleaner
Recipe Info

4 lemons
White Vinegar
Distilled water
Essential oils (optional)
Glass jar
Glass spray bottle
Note: Don’t use a plastic spray bottle because the essential oils will break down the plastic, and it will leach into your cleaner

Quarter the lemons and place them all into a glass jar.
Cover the lemons with white vinegar and seal the jar
Put the jar in a cool, dark place to sit for at least 4 weeks
Strain the solution into your glass spray bottle until it is about halfway full.
Then, fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water.
Store any remaining lemon vinegar in a dark cool place.
Finally, add 15 to 30 drops (depending on how strong you want the scent to be) of your preferred essential oil blend. I usually use 10 drops of lavender and 10 drops of sage. If you choose not to add essential oils, your cleaner will still have a wonderful lemony scent.
Seal the bottle and shake before each use. Spot test on any new surfaces to ensure it does not cause any discoloration.
Your home will now be sparkling clean!

Note: I always have a jar of lemons steeping in vinegar, so I don’t have to wait for the next batch once my spray bottle runs out. The timing works perfectly because I typically use up all the cleaner within a month!

Initially, creating this cleaner is as much if not more expensive than store-bought cleaners, but the value lies in the quantity you can make with each item. We make a quart’s worth of cleaner when we start the process, which is the same as 32 ounces, standard for all-purpose cleaner bottles. The gallon of vinegar can fill four quarts. For us, that’s about four months of cleaner. And, on top of that, you can use the lemons for multiple batches. The essential oils we recommend adding will up the cost, but our recipe measures the oils by drops, so you shouldn’t cycle through them very quickly either. At the end of the day, you might spend a few more dollars today for the supplies, but the value you will get in return will completely make up for it in the long run.

This solution is also very versatile. It works wonderfully on any surface in my home, be it marble countertops, wooden furniture, or even glass windows. Of course, it’s always advisable to do a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area before using it extensively, just to ensure it doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage to the surface.

The best part about this household cleaner is that you can customize its scent to suit your preferences with essential oils. Personally, I adore the combination of these Revive lavender and sage essential oils coupled with the lemon vinegar. Lavender brings a soothing and calming aroma, while sage offers natural antibacterial properties. Meanwhile, lemon provides a fresh scent and acts as a natural degreaser. Vinegar adds its disinfectant properties thanks to its acetic acid. Thanks to this acid, vinegar has the capability to combat dirt, grease, mold, you name it. The synergy of these ingredients has made my cleaning experience more enjoyable, and they uplift the overall ambiance of my home whenever I clean.

I highly recommend trying out this formula if you’re looking for a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and customizable cleaning solution. It’s simple to make, and it delivers exceptional results across a wide range of surfaces. Give it a go to see how easy and fulfilling it can be to create your own homemade all-purpose cleaner products while promoting sustainability and well-being in your home.

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