Salmon Cat Treats

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Yield: a lot of treats!
Category: Pet Care
Recipe Info

Learning how to make homemade cat treats is a great way to reward your pet without having to worry about her health or safety. With the recent string of pet treat recalls, we can’t be too careful about what our feline companions are snacking on. When you make your cat’s treats at home you don’t need to worry about where the ingredients come from or how they are processed. You can control the quality of the ingredients and how the treats are prepared and stored. Cat treats shouldn’t make up a large part of your pet’s diet, so many owners don’t think the quality of the treats is that important. If you’re one of these owners, you’re sadly mistaken.

10 ounces canned salmon
1 egg (beaten)
2 cups whole wheat flour

Preheat your oven to 350˚F. Pulse undrained salmon in a food processor, or blender. Combine the pureed salmon, egg and flour in a large mixing bowl until it forms a stiff dough. Roll the dough into small balls, that are appropriately sized for your cat. Make the balls approximately the size of a small marble. Place the treats on an aluminum foil lined cookie sheet, and bake for 15 minutes. Allow to cool completely before giving to your cat!

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