DIY Bug Spray with Essential Oils

Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes
Yield: one 4oz bottle
Recipe Info

It’s getting warmer out. That means the bugs are coming out. And that means it’s time to make up some bug spray. I stopped using store bought bug sprays a few years ago.  It’s so easy and inexpensive to make my own!  And when I make my own, I know exactly what’s in it.  I can choose natural and safe ingredients and customize them for my family. No more chemicals and pesticides! Natural is great, but it also needs to work. Ever since I was a little kid, mosquitoes have LOVED me! I’d walk two feet outside and I’d get bit. I’d be in a group of people and no one else would get bit, but I’d be covered in bites. So I had a big incentive to find an all-natural bug spray I could make with my essential oils that would keep those bugs away from me. And do you know what I found? LOTS of essential oils work to repel bugs. There’s not just one perfect combo.  You’re not limited to the one recipe you stumble across on Facebook or the one that your friend tells you about.  Those may be great, and you may love them.  Then you’re all set.  But if not, I hope to give you options so that you can easily make a custom bug spray that your family loves.

Basic Bug Spray Recipe:
to a 4 oz spray bottle add…
2 oz of witch hazel
— This doesn’t need to be exact. Just eyeball it, by filling the bottle a little less than half full
2 oz of distilled water
— again, eyeball it, and fill the bottle most of the way full, but leave room for the essential oils, and the spray top
essential oils (choose form the list below for what you need)
20-25 drops for kids age 3+
40-50 drops for adults and kids age 10+
— that might sound like a lot of essential oils, but keep in mind, that this recipe makes a 4 ounce spray, which is the equivalent of 12 standard size roller bottles

Tips for using:
– oils and water don’t mix, so be sure to shake the bug spray before you use it
– avoid spraying on face
– avoid touching eyes and mouth if you have bug spray on your fingers
– for young kids under 2, spray onto their clothes (and not on their skin)
– apply as often as you need it

My Favorite Essential Oil Blends for Bug Spray (safe for adults and kids 10+)
10 drops geranium + 15 drops lavender + 5 drops patchouli + 10 drops lemongrass + 10 drops citronella
15 drops lemongrass + 15 drops eucalyptus + 20 drops citronella
20 drops lavender + 20 drops lemongrass + 10 drops peppermint
20 drops rosemary + 20 drops cedarwood + 10 drops peppermint
15 drops lavender + 10 drops basil + 10 drops rosemary + 15 drops spearmint

Kid-Safe Essential Oil Blends for Bug Sprays (for kids age 3+)
10 drops lavender + 10 drops citronella
8 drops lavender + 5 drops geranium+ 7 drops cedarwood
10 drops lemon eucalyptus + 10 drops lavender
5 drops lavender + 5 drops geranium + 2 drops patchouli + 8 drops spearmint
5 drops geranium + 5 drops citronella + 2 drops patchouli + 3 drops lemon eucalyptus + 3 drops lavender + 3 drops spearmint
10 drops citronella + 5 drops lemon eucalyptus + 3 drops patchouli + 3 drops lavender

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