Meatball Quesadillas

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 10
Cuisine: Italian, Tex Mex?
Recipe Info

If you need a quick & easy meal, meatball quesadillas are just the thing. This tasty Italian spin on crispy, cheese stuffed tortillas is a yummy way to use up leftover meatballs and 100% picky eater approved!

1 14 oz bag frozen meatballs thawed and cut in half
1 24 oz jar spaghetti sauce any flavor
2-3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
10 + flour tortillas

Spray a skillet with non-stick cooking spray.
Place a tortilla half-way into the pan. Just allow the other half to drape over the edge.
Sprinkle half of the tortilla with cheese, then place the meatball halves randomly all over the cheese.
Spoon the spaghetti sauce over top, maybe two tablespoons per quesadilla.
Sprinkle with more cheese.
Fold the second half of the tortilla over top of the filling, closing it.
Heat on medium until the bottom of the tortilla gets crispy and the cheese on the bottom layer is nice and melted.
Carefully, and using spatulas (I use two: one to hold it closed and another to flip) flip the quesadilla onto it’s other side, cooking (again) until the tortilla is nice and crisp on that side and the cheese is melted.
Remove the cooked quesadilla to a plate, and continue cooking more quesadillas as needed. Use a pizza cutter to cut it into slices (easier for little AND big hands to eat).
Repeat until you’ve made enough and serve the cut quesadillas with a side of marinara sauce, or just enjoy them as is.

How To Flip A Quesadilla — I’ve been making quesadillas for years, but flipping one isn’t all that easy- especially if it’s your first try.There’s basically two options to ensure success.First, use two sturdy spatulas and with one holding either side flip the whole quesadilla.Alternatively, slide a sturdy spatula under the crisp side of the quesadilla, lift it up, and flip the pan to rest on top of the uncooked side of the quesadilla. Set everything down so it’s now turned right side up. Boom, no mess!This is the method I recommend using, although use an oven mitt as the pan handle may be hot.Continue cooking your quesadilla just until the cheese is melty and the other side is also a gorgeous golden brown.Transfer the cooked meatball quesadilla to a waiting plate or cutting board, and continue cooking until all the quesadillas are done.

Tips & Tricks:
– Don’t skip the cooking spray! While your skillet may be non stick itself (mine have often seen better days) once that cheese starts melting any bits that ooze out will want to stick like glue to your pan. This will make flipping a challenge, and can also lead to tearing.
– Use whatever spaghetti style sauce you like! Remember that will be one of the predominant flavors, so picking one you enjoy is key. Chunky or smooth doesn’t really matter.
– Use whatever size flour tortillas you feel comfortable with. I’ve made this with everything from burrito size (pictured) to soft taco. All that changes is some filling adjustments, and careful flipping.
– Be careful not to add too much sauce. You don’t want more sauce than cheese- they’re quesadillas after all, and we want them nice & crisp NOT soggy.

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